Our innovative evaluation system

In the last 10-20 years, evaluations have evolved into an indispensable and extremely efficient tool of university governance, both for the individual institutions and their staff and for governments as well as for accreditation agencies. The techniques have been refined and standardised, at least in part.

An unintended consequence has been the increasing sophistication of the process. The level of detail required is often little adapted to the needs of the individual institution and it is time-consuming and costly to glean the data. As a consequence, there often is little buy-in from staff at all levels.  

We have developed an innovative method that considerably reduces time and cost of this process while fully maintaining its efficacy.

Our evaluation is characterised by

1. Complete adaptation to the individual institution

  • we discuss your individual goals and needs in great detail, the most important issue being whether your evaluation serves internal (quality assurance) or external purposes (political, research organisations, others)
  • we will also initially discuss the availability of data, staff involved, the desired format and other elements
  • the autoevaluation report has been considerably reduced to the absolutely essential
  • there is permanent direct implication of the relevant university bodies according to the institution’s rules and desires. In general, we highly recommend early and intensive implication of these instances as a key to an optimal evaluation process and, crucially, to the later implementation of the recommendations from the evaluation
  • we frequenly collaborate with other agencies and their specialists in order to maximise the benefits for our clients

2. Heavily reduced cost for the experts

Generally, we only carry out a single site visit by SimplyUni. The interviews with most international experts are carried out via SKYPE or other media.

3. Delegation of a large part of logistics to the institution in order to reduce cost